
At St. Aubyn’s School, we are committed to elevating our pupils’ awareness of sustainability and our responsibilities as citizens of the planet. We aim to bridge the gap between people and the environment, which seems to be growing wider. Our goal is to foster a deeper connection between our pupils and the natural world while equipping them with an understanding of the environmental challenges we face due to human actions.

It is important to note that we are a school. Our main focus across this document and our entire approach to sustainability is that of education, both through the lessons that we teach, the ethos as a whole of the school and the example that we set. We want to arm them with knowledge so that they are not just aware but inspired to take sustainable actions.

it is not just about being “green” – it is about making informed choices that positively impact the planet. In addition to raising awareness, we want to instil a sense of optimism about the future. We believe in spreading positive messages about how embracing sustainability benefits everyone. Think cleaner and more sustainable cities, improved public transportation, energy-efficient homes, diverse energy sources, reduced consumerism, exciting innovations, and healthier lifestyles.

Furthermore, we are eager to introduce our pupils to the world of green technologies and careers related to the environment, spanning various fields like science, social science, journalism, and the creative industries.

it is all about preparing our pupils for a future where they not only understand the importance of sustainability but actively participate in creating a better world. In addition to spreading awareness about environmental concerns, we are committed to setting a high standard for how our school operates and is perceived. We want to minimise the negative impact our institution has on the environment and take responsibility for any harm it causes, making every effort to reduce that impact.

Our main goal is to put sustainable practices into action. Most importantly, we understand the importance of reducing our carbon emissions, in line with the recommendations of the IPCC, and moving towards carbon neutrality. We also aim to enhance the quality of our school and the local environment while encouraging more interactions with the natural world. Our objective is to protect the health and well-being of both our school and the wider community.