EYFS (Nursery & Reception)

At St. Aubyn’s School, the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) comprises of the Nursery and Reception years within our Pre-Prep department; a warm and welcoming place where children are happy to play and learn.

Children have a natural desire to explore, communicate, create and learn. We provide opportunities for them to practise and develop these skills, both inside and outside the classroom. We encourage the children to develop creativity and problem-solving skills, build knowledge and self-confidence and encourage co-operation, innovation and risk-taking. Play is joyful and purposeful; a captivating adventure of discovery and learning.Β 

Am I ready for school? Click here for our guide.Β 


Our high-quality environment comprises of two purpose-built classes of enquiring three year-olds who begin their academic and personal journeys through our School. The transition into Reception is made effortless as the environment continues to reflect the character and ethos of or EYFS philosophy. Children flourish as we strive to give them a strong foundation to grow, explore and achieve as learners and we want them to feel happy, safe and secure, in an enabling environment where everyone is valued and respected.Β 


The learning experience aims to inspire awe and wonder, is challenging and promotes well-being, determination and resilience so that all children feel proud and successful. Following the criteria outlined in the EYFS framework supports both academic and emotional skills. Specific learning objectives are designed around three prime areas:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

and four specific areas:

  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

We firmly believe that learning should be absorbing, challenging and plenty of fun!

Providing a stimulating and nurturing environment where children begin their school journey by working at their own pace without undue pressure promotes a love of learning. These early years provide a strong foundation in the core skills of social communication, literacy and numeracy, thereby enabling children to progress into their primary education with a sense of achievement and the ability to work together.Β 

Mrs CLAIRE macneill
acting Head of Pre-Prep AND EYFS