Prep (Years 3 – 6)

Throughout St. Aubyn’s, pupils are valued as individuals. In Prep, we encourage independence and foster a love of learning, whilst guiding pupils to their full potential, both inside and outside of the classroom.


We aim to create an environment where every pupil has the chance to be successful, happy and respected for the person they are. Academic achievement for all pupils is important; we encourage them to be inquisitive learners as well as critical thinkers with a strong sense of determination and self-discipline. We want our pupils to challenge themselves to be the best they can be.

All pupils are also actively encouraged to fully participate in the curricular and co-curricular life of the School. This might include residential trips, school councils, eco committee, after school activities, cadets, sports teams and numerous performing arts events and groups. We want pupils to enjoy and take advantage of the many opportunities presented to them outside of the formal curriculum. 



Being successful is a right that all pupils have and we delight in regularly celebrating their triumphs. From the tiniest of steps and smallest of goals to the greater achievements, we acknowledge pupils’ hard work, their fortitude and innate desire to do well. Each pupil’s journey through St. Aubyn’s Prep will be different, however, what is certain is that they will be prepared and empowered with the tools they need, both academically, socially and emotionally, to move on to the next stage of their educational journey. 

Independence is the key to a successful transition between primary and secondary education.

We aim to create individuals who are confident, responsible citizens, fully prepared for the exciting challenges that lie ahead. 

Mr. Leo Milton
Head of St. Aubyn’s prep