In celebration of World Book Day you won't find pupils or teachers of St. Aubyn's at school today, but rather in our ...
Our Year 6 girls gave it their all in an exciting House Football event as part of this week's #GirlsCan Football Week...
Join us on the morning of Wednesday, 12th March 2025 to see our school in action. Register on our website via the lin...
C'est la Journée française à St. Aubyn's What a morning we're having so far, year 1 and year 2 pupils have been enjoy...
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St. Aubyn's School's Performing Arts Centre (PAC) was alive with the sound of music on Wednesday night! Parents, pup...
Last week, Year 1 got out to enjoy the sunshine during an outdoor lesson as they furthered their learning on the topi...
Yesterday, the Nursery pupils had a treat - a visit from Year 6. A small group of our oldest pupils headed down to th...
More highlights from this week's football activity in support of #letgirlsplay Watching the women and girls' football...