Yesterday, the Nursery pupils had a treat - a visit from Year 6. A small group of our oldest pupils headed down to th...
More highlights from this week's football activity in support of #letgirlsplay Watching the women and girls' football...
In celebration of World Book Day you won't find pupils or teachers of St. Aubyn's at school today, but rather in our ...
Our Year 6 girls gave it their all in an exciting House Football event as part of this week's #GirlsCan Football Week...
Join us on the morning of Wednesday, 12th March 2025 to see our school in action. Register on our website via the lin...
C'est la Journée française à St. Aubyn's What a morning we're having so far, year 1 and year 2 pupils have been enjoy...
Welcome back St. Aubyn's pupils! EYFS and Pre-Prep have kickstarted this side of Lent Term with gymnastics, PE, lib...
The final highlights our Wear Your Story Day - hear from some of our Year 6 pupils on what they day meant to them and...
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